Shipping Policy

Order Processing

Expected Delivery

The chart below displays the estimated number of shipping days to allow from the time your order is placed. Business days are Monday-Friday and do not include weekends or holidays.

Order Placed by midnight Eastern Time on: STANDARD SHIPPING
Estimated Delivery
Sunday 2-7 business days later 
Monday 2-7 business days later 
Tuesday 2-7 business days later 
Wednesday 2-7 business days later 
Thursday 2-7 business days later 
Friday 2-7 business days later 
Saturday 2-7 business days later 
Shipping Company

Our Standard Shipping combines the efficiency of FedEx & UPS with the convenience of USPS. FedEx or UPS picks up your package at our distribution center and distributes it to USPS or another local delivery company for final delivery to your mailbox or door. (To ensure delivery within 2-7 business days, your final carrier may vary.)

P.O. Boxes

STANDARD is the only shipping method for orders shipping to a P.O. Box.

APO/FPO Addresses

Orders sent to military FPO (Fleet Post Office) and APO (Army Post Office) boxes must be shipped using our STANDARD service. Unfortunately, due to the distant locations of many military postings, it can take several days to deliver to these addresses.

Alaska/Hawaii/Puerto Rico

Standard – Estimated Arrival 2 - 7 Business Days

For pricing follow Standard shipping chart above.

Canadian Delivery

At this time we cannot ship out The 1 for U products to Canada.

Weekend & Holiday Delivery

Deliveries on Sundays and federally observed holidays are not possible.

Business/Hospital Delivery

We deliver orders to businesses and hospitals Monday-Friday. Please be aware that deliveries to these locations often go to the mail room or receiving dock to be sorted. This can sometimes cause a delay in delivery.

Multiple Shipping Addresses

Sorry, a separate order must be placed for each shipping address — but our online store will "remember" your name and address and save you time by pre-filling those fields the second time around!

Delayed Delivery

We strive to have every order arrive within the estimated time frame however sometimes delays happen due to weather, technical problems or an increase in shipping volume. If your order is delayed, please call customer service via chat and we would be happy to help.

Backordered Items

If your order contains an item on backorder, we will hold your order until it can ship in full. If you would like to have your order split into separate shipments, please reach out to us via chat and we would be happy to help.

Further Questions?

If you have questions that aren’t covered here, please contact us for further assistance.